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  • Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI>
    • ENS




  • new ENS(registryAddr?: string, provider?: string | SupportedProviders<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI> | Web3ContextObject<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI, any>): ENS
  • Parameters

    • optionalregistryAddr: string
    • optionalprovider: string | SupportedProviders<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI> | Web3ContextObject<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI, any>

    Returns ENS



providers: { HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; IpcProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor }

Type declaration

  • HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor
  • IpcProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor
  • WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor


registryAddress: string


givenProvider?: SupportedProviders<never>


providers: { HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; IpcProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor }

Type declaration

  • HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor
  • IpcProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor
  • WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor



  • get BatchRequest(): new () => Web3BatchRequest
  • Returns new () => Web3BatchRequest

      • new (): Web3BatchRequest
      • Returns Web3BatchRequest


  • get accountProvider(): undefined | Web3AccountProvider<Web3BaseWalletAccount>
  • Returns undefined | Web3AccountProvider<Web3BaseWalletAccount>


  • get blockHeaderTimeout(): number
  • set blockHeaderTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get currentProvider(): undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>
  • set currentProvider(provider: undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>): void
  • Returns undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>

  • Parameters

    • provider: undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>

    Returns void


  • get defaultAccount(): undefined | string
  • set defaultAccount(val: undefined | string): void
  • Returns undefined | string

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | string

    Returns void


  • get defaultBlock(): BlockNumberOrTag
  • set defaultBlock(val: BlockNumberOrTag): void
  • Returns BlockNumberOrTag

  • Parameters

    • val: BlockNumberOrTag

    Returns void


  • get defaultChain(): string
  • set defaultChain(val: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultCommon(): undefined | Common
  • set defaultCommon(val: undefined | Common): void
  • Returns undefined | Common

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | Common

    Returns void


  • get defaultHardfork(): string
  • set defaultHardfork(val: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(): Numbers
  • set defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    • val: Numbers

    Returns void


  • get defaultNetworkId(): undefined | Numbers
  • set defaultNetworkId(val: undefined | Numbers): void
  • Returns undefined | Numbers

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | Numbers

    Returns void


  • get defaultTransactionType(): Numbers
  • set defaultTransactionType(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    • val: Numbers

    Returns void


  • get enableExperimentalFeatures(): { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }
  • set enableExperimentalFeatures(val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }): void
  • Returns { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    • useRpcCallSpecification: boolean
    • useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean
  • Parameters

    • val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    Returns void


  • get givenProvider(): undefined | SupportedProviders<never>
  • Returns undefined | SupportedProviders<never>


  • get handleRevert(): boolean
  • set handleRevert(val: boolean): void
  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • val: boolean

    Returns void


  • get maxListenersWarningThreshold(): number
  • set maxListenersWarningThreshold(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get provider(): undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>
  • set provider(provider: undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>): void
  • Returns undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>

  • Parameters

    • provider: undefined | string | SupportedProviders<API>

    Returns void


  • get requestManager(): Web3RequestManager<API>
  • Returns Web3RequestManager<API>


  • get subscriptionManager(): undefined | Web3SubscriptionManager<API, RegisteredSubs>
  • Returns undefined | Web3SubscriptionManager<API, RegisteredSubs>


  • get transactionBlockTimeout(): number
  • set transactionBlockTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionBuilder(): undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>
  • set transactionBuilder(val: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>): void
  • Returns undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationBlocks(): number
  • set transactionConfirmationBlocks(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingInterval(): number
  • set transactionPollingInterval(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingTimeout(): number
  • set transactionPollingTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionReceiptPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionReceiptPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionSendTimeout(): number
  • set transactionSendTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionTypeParser(): undefined | TransactionTypeParser
  • set transactionTypeParser(val: undefined | TransactionTypeParser): void
  • Returns undefined | TransactionTypeParser

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | TransactionTypeParser

    Returns void


  • get wallet(): undefined | Web3BaseWallet<Web3BaseWalletAccount>
  • Returns undefined | Web3BaseWallet<Web3BaseWalletAccount>



  • checkNetwork(): Promise<string>
  • Checks if the current used network is synced and looks for ENS support there. Throws an error if not.

    Returns Promise<string>


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]

    Returns void


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getAddress(ENSName: string, coinType?: number): Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>
  • Parameters

    • ENSName: string
    • coinType: number = 60

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>


  • getConfig(): Web3ConfigOptions
  • Returns Web3ConfigOptions


  • getContenthash(ENSName: string): Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>
  • Parameters

    • ENSName: string

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bytes, unknown>>


  • getContextObject(): Web3ContextObject<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI, any>
  • Returns Web3ContextObject<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI, any>


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • getOwner(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Returns the owner by the given name and current configured or detected Registry


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • getPubkey(ENSName: string): Promise<unknown[] & Record<1, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & Record<0, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & [] & Record<x, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & Record<y, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>>>
  • Parameters

    • ENSName: string

    Returns Promise<unknown[] & Record<1, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & Record<0, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & [] & Record<x, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>> & Record<y, MatchPrimitiveType<bytes32, unknown>>>


  • getResolver(name: string): Promise<Contract<readonly [{ inputs: readonly [{ internalType: contract ENS; name: _ens; type: address }, { internalType: contract INameWrapper; name: wrapperAddress; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedETHController; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedReverseRegistrar; type: address }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: constructor }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }]; name: ABIChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: AddrChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: newAddress; type: bytes }]; name: AddressChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { indexed: true; internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { indexed: false; internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: ApprovalForAll; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: ContenthashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: record; type: bytes }]; name: DNSRecordChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: DNSRecordDeleted; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: DNSZoneCleared; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: lastzonehash; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: zonehash; type: bytes }]; name: DNSZonehashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: InterfaceChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: name; type: string }]; name: NameChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: PubkeyChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: string; name: indexedKey; type: string }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: TextChanged; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentTypes; type: uint256 }]; name: ABI; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint256; name: ; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address payable; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: clearDNSZone; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: contenthash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: dnsRecord; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }]; name: hasDNSRecords; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: interfaceImplementer; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: account; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: data; type: bytes[] }]; name: multicall; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: results; type: bytes[] }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: name; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: pubkey; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setABI; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: a; type: bytes }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: setApprovalForAll; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setContenthash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setDNSRecords; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: setInterface; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: newName; type: string }]; name: setName; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: setPubkey; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }, { internalType: string; name: value; type: string }]; name: setText; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setZonehash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: supportsInterface; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: text; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: zonehash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }]>>
  • Returns the Resolver by the given address


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<Contract<readonly [{ inputs: readonly [{ internalType: contract ENS; name: _ens; type: address }, { internalType: contract INameWrapper; name: wrapperAddress; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedETHController; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: _trustedReverseRegistrar; type: address }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: constructor }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }]; name: ABIChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: AddrChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: newAddress; type: bytes }]; name: AddressChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: address; name: owner; type: address }, { indexed: true; internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { indexed: false; internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: ApprovalForAll; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: ContenthashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: record; type: bytes }]; name: DNSRecordChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: name; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: DNSRecordDeleted; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: DNSZoneCleared; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: lastzonehash; type: bytes }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes; name: zonehash; type: bytes }]; name: DNSZonehashChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { indexed: false; internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: InterfaceChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: name; type: string }]; name: NameChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: false; internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: PubkeyChanged; type: event }, { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly [{ indexed: true; internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { indexed: true; internalType: string; name: indexedKey; type: string }, { indexed: false; internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: TextChanged; type: event }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentTypes; type: uint256 }]; name: ABI; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: uint256; name: ; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address payable; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }]; name: addr; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: clearDNSZone; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: contenthash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint16; name: resource; type: uint16 }]; name: dnsRecord; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: name; type: bytes32 }]; name: hasDNSRecords; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: interfaceImplementer; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: ; type: address }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: account; type: address }, { internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }]; name: isApprovedForAll; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: data; type: bytes[] }]; name: multicall; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes[]; name: results; type: bytes[] }]; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: name; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: pubkey; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: contentType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setABI; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: uint256; name: coinType; type: uint256 }, { internalType: bytes; name: a; type: bytes }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: address; name: a; type: address }]; name: setAddr; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: address; name: operator; type: address }, { internalType: bool; name: approved; type: bool }]; name: setApprovalForAll; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setContenthash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: data; type: bytes }]; name: setDNSRecords; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }, { internalType: address; name: implementer; type: address }]; name: setInterface; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: newName; type: string }]; name: setName; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: x; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes32; name: y; type: bytes32 }]; name: setPubkey; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }, { internalType: string; name: value; type: string }]; name: setText; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: bytes; name: hash; type: bytes }]; name: setZonehash; outputs: readonly []; stateMutability: nonpayable; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes4; name: interfaceID; type: bytes4 }]; name: supportsInterface; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bool; name: ; type: bool }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }, { internalType: string; name: key; type: string }]; name: text; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: string; name: ; type: string }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }, { inputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes32; name: node; type: bytes32 }]; name: zonehash; outputs: readonly [{ internalType: bytes; name: ; type: bytes }]; stateMutability: view; type: function }]>>


  • getTTL(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Returns the address of the owner of an ENS name.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • isApprovedForAll(owner: string, operator: string, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<unknown>
  • Returns true if the operator is approved


    • owner: string
    • operator: string
    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • link<T>(parentContext: T): void
  • Type parameters

    • T: Web3Context<unknown, any, T>


    • parentContext: T

    Returns void


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • recordExists(name: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Returns true if the record exists


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • registerPlugin(plugin: Web3PluginBase<unknown>): void
  • Parameters

    • plugin: Web3PluginBase<unknown>

    Returns void


  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • setAddress(name: string, address: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setApprovalForAll(operator: string, approved: boolean, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Sets or clears an approval by the given operator.


    • operator: string
    • approved: boolean
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setConfig(options: Partial<Web3ConfigOptions>): void
  • Parameters

    • options: Partial<Web3ConfigOptions>

    Returns void


  • setContenthash(name: string, hash: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • hash: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void


  • setOwner(name: string, address: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Returns the address of the owner of an ENS name.


    • name: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setProvider(provider?: string | SupportedProviders<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI>): boolean
  • Parameters

    • optionalprovider: string | SupportedProviders<EthExecutionAPI & Web3NetAPI>

    Returns boolean


  • setPubkey(name: string, x: string, y: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • x: string
    • y: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setRecord(name: string, owner: string, resolver: string, ttl: number, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Returns the address of the owner of an ENS name.


    • name: string
    • owner: string
    • resolver: string
    • ttl: number
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setResolver(name: string, address: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint } | { code: bigint; innerError: undefined | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; } | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; }[]; name: string; reason: string; signature: string; stack: undefined | string; toJSON: any }>
  • set the resolver of the given name


    • name: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<{ blockHash: string; blockNumber: bigint; contractAddress?: string; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: bigint; from: string; gasUsed: bigint; logs: { readonly id?: string | undefined; readonly removed?: boolean | undefined; readonly logIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionIndex?: bigint | undefined; readonly transactionHash?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; readonly topics?: string[] | undefined; }[]; logsBloom: string; root: string; status: bigint; to: string; transactionHash: string; transactionIndex: bigint; type?: bigint } | { code: bigint; innerError: undefined | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; } | { name: string; message: string; stack?: string | undefined; }[]; name: string; reason: string; signature: string; stack: undefined | string; toJSON: any }>


  • setSubnodeOwner(node: string, label: string, address: string, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Returns the address of the owner of an ENS name.


    • node: string
    • label: string
    • address: string
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setSubnodeRecord(name: string, label: string, owner: string, resolver: string, ttl: number, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions, returnFormat?: DataFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Sets the owner, resolver and TTL for a subdomain, creating it if necessary.


    • name: string
    • label: string
    • owner: string
    • resolver: string
    • ttl: number
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions
    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • setTTL(name: string, ttl: number, txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions): Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>
  • Returns the address of the owner of an ENS name.


    • name: string
    • ttl: number
    • txConfig: NonPayableCallOptions

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt | RevertInstructionError>


  • supportsInterface(ENSName: string, interfaceId: string): Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bool, unknown>>
  • Parameters

    • ENSName: string
    • interfaceId: string

    Returns Promise<MatchPrimitiveType<bool, unknown>>


  • use<T, T2>(ContextRef: Web3ContextConstructor<T, T2>, ...args: [...T2[]]): T
  • Type parameters

    • T: Web3Context<unknown, any, T>
    • T2: unknown[]


    • ContextRef: Web3ContextConstructor<T, T2>
    • rest...args: [...T2[]]

    Returns T


  • fromContextObject<T, T3>(this: Web3ContextConstructor<T, T3>, ...args: [Web3ContextObject<unknown, any>, ...T3[]]): T
  • Type parameters

    • T: Web3Context<unknown, any, T>
    • T3: unknown[]


    • this: Web3ContextConstructor<T, T3>
    • rest...args: [Web3ContextObject<unknown, any>, ...T3[]]

    Returns T