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The web3-eth package allows you to interact with an Ethereum blockchain and Ethereum smart contracts.

To use this package standalone and use its methods use:

import { Web3Context } from 'web3-core';
import { BlockTags } from 'web3-types';
import { DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT } from 'web3-utils';
import { getBalance} from 'web3-eth';

new Web3Context(''),
> 1000000000000n

To use this package within the web3 object use:

import { Web3 } from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || 'ws://some.local-or-remote.node:8546');
> 1000000000000n




Renames and re-exports Web3Eth

Type Aliases


InternalTransaction: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>


SendSignedTransactionEvents<ReturnFormat>: { confirmation: { confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>; latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat> }; contractExecutionError: ContractExecutionError | ResponseError<any>; error: TransactionError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>; sending: FormatType<Bytes, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; sent: FormatType<Bytes, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; transactionHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat> }

Type parameters

  • ReturnFormat: DataFormat

Type declaration

  • confirmation: { confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>; latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat> }
    • confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>
    • latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>
    • receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>
  • contractExecutionError: ContractExecutionError | ResponseError<any>
  • error: TransactionError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>>
  • receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>
  • sending: FormatType<Bytes, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>
  • sent: FormatType<Bytes, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>
  • transactionHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>


SendTransactionEvents<ReturnFormat>: { confirmation: { confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>; latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat> }; contractExecutionError: ContractExecutionError | ResponseError<any>; error: TransactionError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>; sending: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; sent: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>; transactionHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat> }

Type parameters

  • ReturnFormat: DataFormat

Type declaration

  • confirmation: { confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>; latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>; receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat> }
    • confirmations: FormatType<Numbers, ReturnFormat>
    • latestBlockHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>
    • receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>
  • contractExecutionError: ContractExecutionError | ResponseError<any>
  • error: TransactionError<FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>>
  • receipt: FormatType<TransactionReceipt, ReturnFormat>
  • sending: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>
  • sent: FormatType<Transaction, typeof ETH_DATA_FORMAT>
  • transactionHash: FormatType<Bytes, ReturnFormat>



accessListItemSchema: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
    • address: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


accessListSchema: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
    • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
      • address: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
        • items: { eth: string }
          • eth: string
        • type: string
    • type: string
  • type: string


accountSchema: { properties: { accountProof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; balance: { eth: string }; codeHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; storageHash: { eth: string }; storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { accountProof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; balance: { eth: string }; codeHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; storageHash: { eth: string }; storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } }
    • accountProof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • balance: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • codeHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • storageHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • storageProof: { items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }
          • key: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
          • value: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


blockHeaderSchema: { properties: { difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string } }
    • difficulty: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • extraData: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logsBloom: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • miner: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • number: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • parentHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • receiptRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • sha3Uncles: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • stateRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • timestamp: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionsRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


blockSchema: { properties: { baseFeePerGas: { eth: string }; difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; hash: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; mixHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptsRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; size: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; totalDifficulty: { eth: string }; transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { eth: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[] }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string }; uncles: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { baseFeePerGas: { eth: string }; difficulty: { eth: string }; extraData: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; hash: { eth: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; miner: { eth: string }; mixHash: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; number: { eth: string }; parentHash: { eth: string }; receiptsRoot: { eth: string }; sha3Uncles: { eth: string }; size: { eth: string }; stateRoot: { eth: string }; timestamp: { eth: string }; totalDifficulty: { eth: string }; transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { eth: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[] }; transactionsRoot: { eth: string }; uncles: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
    • baseFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • difficulty: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • extraData: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • hash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logsBloom: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • miner: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • mixHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • number: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • parentHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • receiptsRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • sha3Uncles: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • size: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • stateRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • timestamp: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • totalDifficulty: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactions: { oneOf: ({ items: { eth: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ items: { eth: undefined; properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string } | { items: { eth: string }; type: string })[]
    • transactionsRoot: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • uncles: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


chainSchema: { enum: string[]; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • enum: string[]
  • type: string


customChainSchema: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }
    • chainId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • name: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • networkId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


feeHistorySchema: { properties: { baseFeePerGas: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }; oldestBlock: { eth: string }; reward: { items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; type: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { baseFeePerGas: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }; oldestBlock: { eth: string }; reward: { items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; type: string } }
    • baseFeePerGas: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • gasUsedRatio: { items: { type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { type: string }
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • oldestBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • reward: { items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
        • items: { eth: string }
          • eth: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
  • type: string


hardforkSchema: { enum: string[]; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • enum: string[]
  • type: string


logSchema: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }
    • address: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockNumber: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • data: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • removed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • transactionHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


registeredSubscriptions: { logs: typeof LogsSubscription; newBlockHeaders: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newHeads: typeof NewHeadsSubscription; newPendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; pendingTransactions: typeof NewPendingTransactionsSubscription; syncing: typeof SyncingSubscription } = ...

Type declaration


storageProofSchema: { properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { key: { eth: string }; proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; value: { eth: string } }
    • key: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • proof: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
      • items: { eth: string }
        • eth: string
      • type: string
    • value: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


syncSchema: { properties: { currentBlock: { eth: string }; highestBlock: { eth: string }; knownStates: { eth: string }; pulledStates: { eth: string }; startingBlock: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { currentBlock: { eth: string }; highestBlock: { eth: string }; knownStates: { eth: string }; pulledStates: { eth: string }; startingBlock: { eth: string } }
    • currentBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • highestBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • knownStates: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • pulledStates: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • startingBlock: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


transactionInfoSchema: { properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; hash: { eth: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }
    • accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
          • address: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • blockHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockNumber: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • chainId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }
      • properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }
        • baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
        • customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }
          • properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }
            • chainId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • name: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • networkId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
          • type: string
        • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
      • type: string
    • data: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • from: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • hash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • input: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • networkId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • r: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • s: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[]
    • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • type: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • v: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • value: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


transactionReceiptSchema: { properties: { blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; contractAddress: { eth: string }; cumulativeGasUsed: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logs: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; root: { eth: string }; status: { eth: string }; to: { eth: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; contractAddress: { eth: string }; cumulativeGasUsed: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gasUsed: { eth: string }; logs: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; logsBloom: { eth: string }; root: { eth: string }; status: { eth: string }; to: { eth: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string }; type: { eth: string } }
    • blockHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • blockNumber: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • contractAddress: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • cumulativeGasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • from: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasUsed: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • logs: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { eth: string }; blockHash: { eth: string }; blockNumber: { eth: string }; data: { eth: string }; logIndex: { eth: string }; removed: { eth: string }; topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }; transactionHash: { eth: string }; transactionIndex: { eth: string } }
          • address: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • blockHash: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • blockNumber: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • data: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • logIndex: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • removed: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • topics: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
          • transactionHash: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • logsBloom: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • root: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • status: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • to: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionHash: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • transactionIndex: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • type: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string


transactionSchema: { properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }; type: string } = ...

Type declaration

  • properties: { accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }; chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; chainId: { eth: string }; common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }; data: { eth: string }; effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }; from: { eth: string }; gas: { eth: string }; gasLimit: { eth: string }; gasPrice: { eth: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }; input: { eth: string }; maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }; maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string }; nonce: { eth: string }; r: { eth: string }; s: { eth: string }; to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }; type: { eth: string }; v: { eth: string }; value: { eth: string } }
    • accessList: { items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }; type: string }
      • items: { properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }; type: string }
        • properties: { address: { eth: string }; storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string } }
          • address: { eth: string }
            • eth: string
          • storageKeys: { items: { eth: string }; type: string }
            • items: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • type: string
        • type: string
      • type: string
    • chain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • chainId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • common: { properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }; type: string }
      • properties: { baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }; customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }; hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string } }
        • baseChain: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
        • customChain: { properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }; type: string }
          • properties: { chainId: { eth: string }; name: { eth: string }; networkId: { eth: string } }
            • chainId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • name: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
            • networkId: { eth: string }
              • eth: string
          • type: string
        • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
          • enum: string[]
          • type: string
      • type: string
    • data: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • effectiveGasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • from: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasLimit: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • gasPrice: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • hardfork: { enum: string[]; type: string }
      • enum: string[]
      • type: string
    • input: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • networkId: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • nonce: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • r: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • s: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • to: { oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[] }
      • oneOf: ({ eth: string; type: undefined } | { eth: undefined; type: string })[]
    • type: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • v: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
    • value: { eth: string }
      • eth: string
  • type: string